Wednesday, October 02, 2024

Get a fing mammogram

It has been almost 10 years since I’ve opened this and penned a new page.  But now I’m going to have to get back in it because I’m going to be open and honest about the future.  

There is no way to sugar coat it: I HAVE BREAST CANCER. Before you start dropping questions in the comments, I’ll tell you now upfront I DON’T KNOW.  I found out yesterday and am still in the process of figuring out appointments, stages, etc.  

Luckily, my sisters have all fought and beat cancer of some kind so I know what’s in store and have their guidance.  I’m good at having short hair and shaving it.  And I have a super duper positive attitude about it.  Primarily, I’m going to beat it.  

Also thanks to my sisters, I’ve been getting paps since I was 16 and mammograms since my 20s.  I will admit that I’ve been terrible about self exams, but I’ve always gone yearly.  And this year resulted in an abnormal exam.  It was quickly followed up with another mammo, ultrasound, and biopsy.  And here we are.

So please women keep up with your mammograms yearly.  No it isn’t fun getting them smashed, but it can save us. And men, go get them testicles tickled as well.

Until next time…pray, white light me, throw me memes and jokes, etc.  


  1. Anonymous4:02 PM

    You got this! F Cancer! MORE

  2. Anonymous4:14 PM

    We love you & I will definitely be praying for you! My
    Mom had breast cancer so I do get annual mammograms even though it feels like my boobs are being smashed in a refrigerator door🤪

  3. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Sending lots of love ❤️ you’ve got this!!

  4. I'm so sorry!! But I'm glad you were getting yearly mammograms and caught it relatively early. You CAN beat it and I'll pray that you do. xoxo

  5. Anonymous5:52 PM

    If anyone can fight it, it’s you!! I will keep you in my thoughts! I’m due for my annual squishing as well💕Oct is breast cancer awareness month…..go get squished ladies

  6. Anonymous5:57 PM

    So sorry. This sucks ball. Every year… but I need to be better at getting colonoscopy’s…. I will schedule one this week because of this. You are welcome.

  7. Bridgette Hegge6:09 PM

    Cancer picked the wrong chic!! 🥊🥊 Prayers and positive vibes!!

  8. Anonymous6:20 PM

    We know how tough you are! Love you Cuz and sending ALL the prayers and white light your way.

  9. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Love you! Praying!

  10. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Oh Sara…
    I get mammos every year and I don’t have much to squish!
    Still, glad you’ve been proactive…
    Keep us posted, please.
    I’ve had many friends go through this,various stages, and all came through Well!!!
    Positive attitude is key!
    AND my mom was thrilled to discover that the American Cancer Society provides wigs for FREE !!
    You could totally rock this!!!
    Sorry to hear this news and also know the ton of support you have…
    Sending you good vibes…❤️

  11. Anonymous6:56 PM

    I know the strength of the Bartels girls and this is just another challenge that you will overcome. Sending good thoughts and love your way.

  12. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Wtf!!! Always here to lend an ear. I’ve got plenty of 🩷 to share and an overflow of fu’s to spare.
    …every January whether I like it or not.

  13. Kate M10:12 PM

    My heart is with you, Sara. I just got my first referral for a mammogram yesterday. Trying to stay on top of changes early. I’ll be thinking of you and sending healing thoughts.

  14. Tonya Rivello11:02 PM

    Sara, I’m so sorry to hear this. I’m glad you have such a positive outlook on it and having your amazing personality and attitude, you are way ahead of the game. Also being checked regularly every year is also a plus as they found it as early as possible. I have no doubts you will beat this and I will for sure be praying for you along the way. Hugs to you my friend.🩷

  15. Anonymous9:25 AM

    I have NO DOUBT that you will crush this one, Sara. Sending arm fulls of white light to you sister. Love, Lisa

  16. Karen V6:51 PM

    That’s some horrible news with what sounds like a great support system along with a wonderful positive attitude! Holler if we can help!

  17. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Well shit! On that note... Everyone has already said what's on my mind, so sending you all the healing white light you can take so that you can beat this fucking cancer. Love you lots!!


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